
Pathways and a compass

I was asked recently about my path -- who I am and why my compass points in the direction it does. That question prompted me to rekindle anew a personal wiki (which I stopped years ago). The best way to know me is to work with me, sit with me on a river bar or on a coast somewhere in the world, or to hike a trail with me. Period. Yet I also find the freedom, complexity and power of the internet enthralling, and a compelling place to build relationships. I am comfortable in so many places and doing many things. My path has been a story of inspirations, hard work and laughter, taking me around the world. I have moved thousand pound boulders to build trails in remote areas and have also moved institutional thought and practice in education in modern cities — I still do not know which is harder but I lean toward the latter. As I pause for mental digestion and write this wiki, I do know a few things about my winding path. My compass points me to the places that revel in meaning and hard work, see possibility always, and cherish tradition, innovation and culture in a way that serves each generation. I hope this wiki sparks curiosity, reminds you to act and, in the end, brings us together to do something wonderful for the world.

My Core

I live with intention and integrity as a husband, father, friend and professional. Past this, my work with young people really began on a river in Alaska when I glimpsed the power of humans and learning (ask me about this someday if your interested).

My Belief

We need to re-imagine our world -- one of the most exciting prospects I can fathom. It is essential to the preservation of human agency that we cultivate environments that allow imagination to flourish amidst the extreme currents of our world. This is what keeps me in education and has driven me to share my work, research, writing and questions.

My Guideposts

One of the hardest things I could do is make a list of those who have helped shape me. After all, we are shaped by everyone we meet and interact with. That said, My wife is my soul mate and a beautiful force of goodness, spirituality and endless support: she and our children guide our living intentionally. My mother was and remains my guide to passion: my father is a guide to goodness and intellect. My wife's grandparents, Alexander and Beryl Cochran are my guides to integrity and purpose. Sarah Adil Shaw has set alight what is possible in global cooperation and collaboration, Sayd Farook,inspires me to lead with my deepest convictions and right relationship first, Charlie Richardson is a mentor for leadership and Shoshana Zuboff guides my growth as an intellectual and affirms belief in the possible. Temp Keller models friendship, passion and uncanny vision and ability. Peter Gow is a guide for understanding landscapes. Ivan Illich, Seymour Papert, Kurt Hahn, Stephen Downes, Reggio Emilia, Elise Boulding, Carmelita Hinton, John Holt, Ted Sizer and many more who hold children and society as self-determined illustrate the power of thought leadership. James Beane demonstrates the possibilities in education and channels the progressives. Anab Jain inspires me to look into the future. Importantly, young people are my window into the positive potential in the world and the true motivation behind my work.

My Future

I will continue to lead in education. I envision the next step along my path always keeping me close to the centering points of my compass, to places with very special missions, work in the world and trajectories.